Alternative solutions for public sector housing
Affordable housing: time for a new perspective
MAC container homes offer a more cost-effective way out of a housing shortage or emergency that traditional alternatives.
B&B accommodation/hostels
- Good, short-term option for emergency housing
- Limited availability: not all can be housed and many have to relocate out of the area
Affordable housing
- All private housing developments are required to build a percentage of affordable homes or pay a proportionate contribution to the local authority
- Long construction lead times; ground rent and maintenance charges for tenants to cover overheads of communal living space
Retirement/nursing homes
- Good retirement homes provide independent living and transition into nursing care when needed
- Very expensive and insufficient supply to meet demand; separates older relatives from family and friends
Empty homes
- Temporary rental option for family housing and improves neighbourhoods blighted by empty homes
- Requires time and investment to make derelict buildings fit for living
Converted shipping containers
- Designed for cargo, not for people – have to be substantially adapted to provide permanent dwelling or business accommodation
- Self-build, on-site projects vulnerable to weather and site conditions
MAC purpose-built container homes: the automatic choice
Multiple applications for local authorities, housing associations, NGOs, owner occupiers, small businesses and people with health or mobility issues.- Designed, specified and built entirely off site
- Custom-built: you decide on the layout, fixtures, fittings, décor and access and security systems, according to your budget. Personalising your housing stock
- Fixed price: variety of layouts and sizes. Check our current prices and sizes for temporary dwellings and permanent 3 bedroom homes compliant with building regulations.
- Delivered and installed in 12 weeks, anywhere in the UK, ready to move into. Delivery options
- Planning permission not usually required, except for protected buildings and landscape
- Container villages make efficient use of brownfield sites and provide good living standards
- Small footprint and modular capabilities maximise available land
- Virtually no site preparation required and able to occupy sites unsuitable for brick-built developments